Solving Allergy and Pet Hair issues

Solving Allergy and Pet Hair issues

Don’t turn your furry friends into furry enemies. Obtain the knowledge to treat and prevent pet allergies, and enjoy the love and companionship of your pets.

Cats and dogs are important members of the family, giving owners a lot of love and companionship. They like to pace at home and use every piece of furniture like beds and couches just like you do. Despite this you adore them and cannot imagine life without them, you're still battling the ubiquitous presence of pet hair, pet fur and the invisible dander and allergens it carries. So cute but so annoying! This article will let you learn about what pet dander is and, more importantly, how to treat and prevent them.

What is pet dander? 

Pet dander, frequently concealed within shed pet fur, consists of microscopic skin cells shed by furry animals like cats and dogs as a natural part of their growth cycle, essentially comprising skin flakes.

Where is Pet dander present? How can it affect human health?

The main source of pet dander is pet hair, as previously mentioned. It can also easily adhere to fabrics such as sofas and cushions due to its microscopic size and jagged shape. If your pets love sleeping with you, then bed sheets and pillowcases will also be a perfect destination for their hair and dander. In addition, pet hair and dander can cling to your clothes after interacting with your pet, transferring to furniture and soft surfaces.

How can it affect human health?

Who would have expected that our beloved furry companions could potentially become sources of discomfort? Research conducted by experts in allergy and health indicates that pet hair and dander can serve as common triggers for pet-related allergies, often leading to more pronounced allergic reactions compared to other allergens. Individuals experiencing such allergies may exhibit symptoms such as:

√ Sneezing
√ Itchy or watery eyes
√ Runny or stuffy nose
√ Skin rash
√ Signs of asthma like shortness of breath, or wheezing

Pet owners are commonly aware of the potential for allergies to pet dander, but it may come as a surprise that these allergies can also impact the health of the pets themselves. For instance, in a household with both a cat and a dog, it is possible for the dog to develop an allergy to the cat, resulting in comparable allergic reactions akin to those experienced by humans.

How to treat and prevent pet allergy 

It seems that people and pets, and pets and pets cannot happily coexist. Don't be so pessimistic! Keep reading to learn more about treatments and prevention.

Brush your pet Vacuum and clean regularly

The advantages of grooming your pet's fur are evident to most pet owners as it not only maintains the health of their coat but also fosters a stronger bond between you and your furry companions. Regular grooming aids in eliminating dead hair and skin flakes, reducing shedding, and enhancing blood circulation. It is advisable to conduct grooming in a contained area and collect shed hair in a receptacle to prevent it from dispersing.
Furthermore, consistent grooming serves as a form of positive interaction from your pets' viewpoint, promoting their comfort and deepening their trust in you.

Vacuum and clean regularly Bathe your furry friend

The fundamental approach to reducing allergies involves minimising exposure to pet allergens. Regular vacuuming of bedding, clothing, furniture, and floors is essential.
In truth, conventional vacuum cleaners often struggle to effectively clean fabrics deeply embedded with pet hair and dander. However, the JIMMY BX7, a dual brushroll anti-mite vacuum cleaner, pleasantly surprises users with its ability to thoroughly eliminate pet hair, dander, and associated allergens present on surfaces or deeply embedded within fabrics. This remarkable performance is attributed to the machine's dual brushroll system comprising an anti-tangling brushroll and a composite brushroll with a soft rubber strip and hair strip. Powered by a 600W high-efficiency motor, the JIMMY BX7 efficiently eradicates pet hair and eliminates hidden pet dander and allergens from fabrics such as sofas, cushions, linens, mattresses, and clothing through vigorous tapping and robust suction, effectively safeguarding against allergic reactions.

In addition, it features UV light and ultrasound functions designed to eliminate bacteria and allergens safely, boasting a 99.99% efficacy rate as certified by the UK Allergy Foundation. This innovative technology offers an invaluable solution for maintaining a clean home, particularly appealing to pet owners seeking enhanced cleanliness.

Bathe your furry friend Medication approach

Bathing is essential for maintaining your pet's cleanliness and is integral to the overall health of their skin and coat. It is advisable to use pet-specific shampoo and lukewarm water to ensure a gentle bathing experience.
Nevertheless, it is crucial to be mindful of pets, particularly cats, that may exhibit aversion to bathing. Cats, in particular, possess tongues with numerous small white spines that function like a brush, enabling them to groom themselves effectively. This grooming behavior often leads them to prefer self-cleaning over water baths.

Medication approach 

If your allergic reactions remain uncontrolled, it is advisable to consult your physician regarding medication therapy, bearing in mind the potential side effects. Conducting an allergy test beforehand is the optimal approach to determine the specific allergens involved and determine the most appropriate course of action.


Pet ownership is a privilege that enriches our lives with happiness, love, and companionship while instilling a sense of responsibility. Despite the undeniable charm of their furry appearance, pets can inadvertently trigger allergic reactions due to their hair and invisible dander. For individuals or their loved ones affected by pet allergies, implementing specific measures can significantly enhance their quality of life. Educating oneself on managing and preventing such allergies represents a responsible step forward.

One highly recommended action is incorporating the JIMMY BX7 into your regular cleaning regimen. This device offers a convenient and efficient method to eliminate pet hair and dander, reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

Empower yourself to overcome allergies and create a harmonious environment for both you and your pets. Prioritising your well-being, with reduced allergic symptoms, contributes to the overall happiness and health of your beloved pet.


JIMMY-UK set for launch in 2024

Vacuum & Wash explained